Did you ever wonder why you got injured doing something that you have done many times before without any pain?
Do you ever wonder why you constantly need work in the same area, without much improvement? Applied Kineseology addresses these very problems.
Applied Kinesiology uses muscle strength testing to access the neurology, biochemistry and emotional state of the patient, applying innovative techniques that help restore your body to optimum functioning. Applied Kinesiology works on your muscles, which move your bones and help them to stay in alignment and promote proper posture. “In my experience,” says Dr. Martinet, “it is not enough to merely align the bones. The muscles and ligaments need to also play their part. For example, in a knee injury, the hip, spine and knee bones may need to be aligned, and the muscles that support the knee should also be evaluated and corrected.”
Applied Kinesiology includes CranioSacral and TMJ techniques.
There may be an injury pattern in the area that causes the muscle to remain weak even months and years after the incident. It is important to know that muscles may be weakened by many things other than an injury. Using our knee for example, it might not seem obvious that the muscles supporting the front of the knee and the quadriceps are related to the small intestine, and an intestinal problem may weaken these muscles due to a reflex connection. The knee problem may re-occur or not heal fully if the intestinal problem is not addressed, since that weakness may have allowed the problem to occur in the first place. This explains how certain problems can occur or re-occur without an obvious reason. Applied Kinesiology allows Dr. Martinet to understand and treat the non-obvious underlying conditions that may baffle so many other health care professionals.
Applied Kinesiology can therefore help strengthen and balance not only the muscles but the organs and nerves, leading to greater emotional calm and lessened stress.