Firefly™ Light Therapy

Photon therapy makes light of difficult healing issues.

Firefly™ Light Therapy represents the latest in frequency therapy, using multi-spectrum photons to increase circulation and stimulate the immune system and nervous system. This safe, non-invasive light therapy treats chronic conditions and soft tissue injuries alike, resolving pain, gut issues, neurological disorders, and more in a short amount of time achieving fast results. Using different wavelengths of light and frequencies, Firefly promotes faster healing in conditions such as:

Treatments are pain free, drug-free, radiation-free, and completely safe for all body parts but the eyes. Firefly™ is economical because it works faster than other therapies, and the 5-10 minute treatments are also safe for children and senior citizens.

doctor using Firefly tech on patients, both in sunglasses
courtesy Bales Photonics
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